A season is defined as:
“Each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather
patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth’s changing position with regard to the sun.”
“There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heavens:”…
Seasons bring a whirlwind of emotions. We might experience pain, disappointment, hardship, and exhaustion, but also joy, contentment, and endurance and many more. Everyone goes through different seasons in life, but what we do during each one is crucial. Just like the universal change of seasons – summer, winter, spring, and autumn (rainy or dry season in most African countries) – the seasons in our lives are uniquely designed for a purpose and to last for just a while.
Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working parent, life is busy for everyone. The challenges of life aren’t borne by one person alone; we all experience the whirlwind of seasons. Therefore, this blog is for you! Let’s explore how to successfully navigate life’s seasons together.
My Experience
Recently, I’ve become more aware of acknowledging and appreciating the seasons in my life, especially through conversations with friends. Some friends and I share common experiences, primarily revolving around raising toddlers and finding a good balance as moms. Building connections with others in the same season has been incredibly beneficial. Sharing challenges and solutions with like-minded people going through a similar season not only refreshes my mind, but also offers valuable support.
My current season feels like a repetitive cycle: feeding 2 toddlers, working on my blog, playing with the kids, nap times, diaper changes, instilling discipline, etc. – day in and day out for over three years. If you’re like me, living in a new place away from home, it can be tough. But I remind myself that it’s just a season, and seasons change.
When my husband points to the toys scattered everywhere, I say, “we’re in a season for scattered toys.” In a few years, this won’t matter. It’s therefore important to honour the season you’re in because it will pass. To stay motivated, I also focus on God and also listen to encouraging insights on Instagram and YouTube. One such motivation airs bi-weekly by the Illuminated Pathway Podcast. On the episode, “The Sequence of Growth,” the host offers practical tips for navigating life’s seasons. The following metaphorical steps on plants can be applied to any area of life:
4 Steps to Successfully Navigate Seasons
1. Prepare: Some seasons will feel gloomy and isolated, like winter. During these times, we must prepare. Get the soil ready and test the conditions for planting seeds.
2. Sow Seeds: Plant and cultivate patience, then wait with watchful eyes as things begin to take shape.
3. Irrigate and Water: Nurture your efforts, ensuring that what you’ve sown gets the nutrients it needs. Hold fast to your goals with affirmations and declarations.
4. Harvest: Reap the rewards of your hard work. This is the season of enjoyment and success. However, don’t get too comfortable – another season is always on the horizon.
For the full episode of the podcast, follow this link: [The Sequence of Growth] (https://youtu.be/2O0s210l3yE?si=OXW34oNjIVasCXec).
Biblical Insight
Biblical stories, like those of Joseph and David in the book of Genesis 37 and 1 Samuel 17 respectively, highlight the importance of nurturing patience in seasons. Joseph’s journey from slavery was a preparation for his purpose in leadership. He endured isolation/abandonment, but this was God’s way of preparing him for his assignment. On the other hand, David’s time as a shepherd, fighting lions and bears, prepared him to defeat a giant, Goliath. He went through seasons of training to become fearless for great battles.
Success often follows a season of preparation. Genesis 8:22 assures us that there is a season for planting and a season for harvesting, a promise from God that our efforts will bear fruit in due time. Similarly, Galatians 6:9 encourages us to stay persistent, reminding us that we will reap a harvest when the time is right.
We all experience different seasons in life. How we navigate each season is what truly matters. Support from those who understand our journey makes it more bearable. Every season is an opportunity to prepare, sow, nurture, and eventually harvest. Let’s embrace each season with boldness and resilience and push through.
Action Point
Reflect on your past seasons. Which was the hardest, and how did you overcome it? Share your experiences in the comments – we’d love to hear from you!