The “terrible twos” are often associated with the tantrums, frustration, and defiant behaviour (Christiano D, 2019) of a toddler. This stage is often feared by many parents, especially first time parents. It is commonplace for an adult to get frustrated when things don’t go their way. The same holds true…
Category: 1 – 3 Years Old
Events in a child’s life between the ages of 1-3
Empowering Young Black Girls through the Magic of their Hair
There can never be enough posts on the value of empowering black children (especially girls) to embrace the unique beauty of their hair. Within the black community, there is a rich tapestry of hair textures. Understanding and appreciating each unique texture is key to proper hair care. As parents (moms)…
Why Do Toddlers Act the Way they Do?
Have you ever wondered why your little one behaves in such curious ways? It turns out, toddlers have brains that are still growing and changing! Imagine this: when babies are born, their brains are only a quarter of the size of an adult’s brain. But by the time they’re three…
Unlocking the Benefits of Bilingualism in Young Children
Embarking on the journey of bilingualism with your young child is an extraordinary adventure into elevating their potential. From the babble of babyhood to the chatter of early childhood, language acquisition is inherent for children with zero language development issues. For our little ones, the world is a playground of…
Exploring the Dynamics of Sibling Rivalry
If your days echo with the chorus of “mine, mine, mine,” you’re in the trenches of sibling rivalry, right alongside many other parents! Those skirmishes between our little ones often involve tussles over toys or seeking attention. While it may test the adult’s patience, these squabbles are actually a vital…
Exploring the Impact of Excessive Screen Time on Young Minds
In today’s digital landscape, the impact of excessive screen time on young minds cannot be ignored. This concern weighs heavily on the minds of parents and educators alike. According to the National Library of Medicine, (2023) many families find themselves exceeding the recommended screen time daily limits. The consequences are…
Navigating Toddler Toilet Training: Your Personalized Guide
Navigating toddler toilet training, also known as potty training, is a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and milestones. As a parent, understanding your child’s unique needs and readiness is key to successfully navigating this process. Some children are ‘trained’ from as early as 6 months of age, while some catch…
5 Reasons for Toddler Repetitive Routines
5 Reasons for Toddler Repetitive Routines, is a follow-up to the previous post, Raising Young Readers. Have you ever wondered why your little one always wants the same story or songs repeatedly? Always chanting, “Again! Again!” immediately the story or song is over. Well, this is because children have a…
Raising Young Readers
A bookworm, /ˈbʊkwəːm/, refers to a person who reads a lot. Raising Young Readers guides the parent or adult reader on ways to aid the child to fall in love with books right from birth. Some people may be born bookworms, and others are made/taught to become bookworms. The importance…
One Two Many Toys!
Do you sometimes feel like your child has one, two (too) many toys? You’re certainly not alone Mama! I felt like that too. Having an excess of toys is really not ideal for your child, as it can be overwhelming for the child (and the parents). For instance, too many…